The “Can Do” List

There is no doubt that this is the most unusual situation that we have been through together in our memories. While there are practical things that we can all do to flatten the curve, there are also things that we can do to take care of our psychological well-being.

If you haven’t noticed most of us prefer things to remain the same, predictable, and certain. We may love spontaneity too, but on our own terms! When it’s not on our terms, we may find ourselves feeling unsettled, annoyed, worried, or even panicked. Our natural human tendency is to pay close attention to signs of danger so that we can take the necessary steps to avoid it. We can also over-focus on potential danger, which often serves to make us feel worse. In this case, there is no shortage of information and we can easily get sucked into immersing ourselves in what is wrong, what we can’t do now, and predictions of what is to come.

In times like these it’s important to step back and put focus on other things in our lives. The tip for today is to make a list of what you can do. On that list, include things that you enjoy and that you are able to do now. It’s helpful to have a routine, to do something functional, to take a break from social media, and to talk to your friends and family. Choose a few things from your list each day and maybe share this idea with your friends.

We will get through this now we have the opportunity to decide how we do that in a way that takes care of the mind and the body.

My “Can Do” List

  1. Set a routine
  2. Exercise 30 minutes a day
    • Go for a walk or a run
    • Find an exercise video online
    • Learn a new dance move
    • Bundle up and get on a bike
  3. Learn a new language or brush up on one
  4. Limit social media
  5. Check in on an elderly person to see what they need
  6. Talk with your friends on the phone
  7. Organize a drawer or closet
  8. Try a new recipe
  9. Sit in a sunny spot
  10. Get some fresh air

Keep adding to the list and keep it close by, so when you start to feel overwhelmed, you can reference your list!  

Written By- Lori Parker, Registered Psychologist